
Association Bylaws

The National Trailer Dealers Association Bylaws were amended on Sept. 30, 2020. The Association's bylaws include membership categories; composition of the Board of Directors; procedures for electing and appointing Board members and officers; Board meeting protocols; and procedures for voting. 


Anti-trust Policy

The antitrust laws of the United States and various states prohibit agreements, combinations and conspiracies in restraint of trade. The consequences for violating the antitrust laws can be severe. The National Trailer Dealers Association has an Anti-trust Policy that explains what is prohibited by the Sherman Act.


Member Data

The NTDA has a strict policy regarding use of member data, which states: “The recipient of the list agrees to comply with all terms and conditions herein. The member list is provided to you as a benefit of NTDA membership so that you may contact other members for networking purposes only. Further distribution of the National Trailer Dealers Association membership list to any individual, person, firm, association, syndicate, partnership, joint venture, trustee, trust, corporation, division of a corporation, unincorporated organization, or other entity or governmental agency is strictly prohibited. Posting of this information on the Internet or other electronic media service is also strictly prohibited. Use of the attached list to SPAM members, or to solicit members in any way that implies an association with the National Trailer Dealers Association on behalf of your company or business is strictly prohibited. The National Trailer Dealers Association retains ownership of all proprietary rights, including intellectual property rights.”


Use of NTDA Logo, Phone Solicitations, and Web Site Links

NTDA Members in good standing are encouraged to use the NTDA Member Logo in their literature, on their Web site, on business cards, or other materials. However, members may NOT use the NTDA logo if it does not include the word “Member” in the typography. 

 Members may not disseminate correspondence to fellow members, prospective members or others if such literature/information implies an association with the NTDA on behalf of your company or business. 

Likewise, phone solicitations to members that imply a member company is working for or in partnership with the NTDA is also prohibited. The NTDA currently has “preferred provider agreements” with the following firms: CardConnect, PartnerShip, and JD Fulwiler & Company Insurance. Any time that you are unsure about a company claiming to be affiliated with the NTDA, please feel free to contact NTDA President Gwen Brown toll-free at (800) 800-4552, direct dial (810) 229-5960, or e-mail gwen@ntda.org

Link Back
Members are encouraged to provide a link from their Web site to www.ntda.org. This helps drive traffic to your Membership Directory ad or listing and to other information and resources available through the Association.

Download NTDA Member Logo

35th Annual NTDA Convention Sponsors