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NTDA TrailerTalk

Member and Association News Published Bi-monthly
The award- winning TrailerTalk features timely updates and information vital to trailer industry firms, including member news, legislative and regulatory advisories, economic forecasts, business improvement tips, Association news, safety tips, event information, industry resources, and much more.

NTDA Membership Directory

Essential Industry Guide
The NTDA Membership Directory reaches qualified industry decision-makers and features detailed company information cross-referenced geographically and  member company employees by last name. 

NTDA eNews

Latest Industry News & Events
This electronic publication is distributed twice monthly to help you stay abreast of the latest member and association news, legislative and regulatory updates, NTDA Convention news, and trailer industry developments.

Market Data & Outlooks

NTDA Market Outlook

Quarterly Economic Overview
The NTDA Market Outlook delivers information regarding new technology, actionable data, useful charts, analysis, and stories impacting the trailer industry. U.S. and Canada market overview are included in each issue. Our “Big Number” column delves into venture capital expenditures impacting the trailer industry.

NTDA Monthly Market Minute

Trailer Industry Leading Indicators
The NTDA Monthly Market Minute details economic news shaping the economy and trailer industry. Published as a supplement to the NTDA Market Outlook.

What Members Say

NTDA Resources

Delivering economic news and information shaping the trailer industry.
Market Data & Outlook
Members have access to our Membership Directory, FET Compliance Information, Webinar recordings, and more.
Members Only Resources
The National Trailer Dealers Foundation provides scholarships to children of NTDA member employees.
Our trusted advisors help dealers understand the complexities, laws, and compliance with FET reporting.
Federal Excise Tax
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